Thursday, November 12, 2009

Are scorpions, venomous snakes and spiders, big teeth and savage claws just God's way of advising us against

complacency and decadence?

Are scorpions, venomous snakes and spiders, big teeth and savage claws just God's way of advising us against
Unlike other animals, humankind makes its own adaptation difficult. Psychological complacency adds to that difficulty. Terror is a downward spiral. People who feel terrorized tend to terrorize. Terror sets up a self-fulfilling prophecy. People expect their enemies to behave in certain destructive ways and defensively the people act in the destructive ways that further motivate their enemies to actually behave in those destructive ways. Psychological insecurity breeds further psychological insecurity, adds to political insecurity, and consequently increases physical insecurity. And, unlike other animals, humans have the intelligent idiocy to poison themselves, bite themselves and scratch themselves with the "sharp claws" that they dare to invent. Humans have the intelligent idiocy to worsen the complexity of their adaptation needs and to complacently follow the worst terrorists among themselves to decadence and civilizational collapse and species extinction.
Reply:They are certainly a fine justification for wearing pants.
Reply:No, they are the animals way of staying alive.
Reply:Um, no, they are the animal's way of saying, "Leave me the hell alone or I will hurt you."
Reply:No it's their way of telling us to back off from being bitten, what's complacent about that.
Reply:You could look at it from that perspective.
Reply:no its god's way of showing that he doesn't exit in this eat or be eatin

world, and this includes man.
Reply:Nope. Just advising us not to go to Australia. (Did you see that mad 'roo in the middle of a touring car race?)
Reply:No its just natures way of trying to protect it from its worst enemy,man.
Reply:mighty fine, MIGHTY FINE

If breebs dont blow, then the breebs wont bind.
Reply:Just telling us to stay away from the desert
Reply:Nuh,,,,,, it's the Australian cut-back on immigration policy!
Reply:Perhaps just reminders that humans are neither all powerful, all knowing, or all that.
Reply:Perhaps, it's all part of the natural order of things.
Reply:It is god`s way to warn people, and other animals ,to the plague, highly dangerous.

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