Thursday, November 12, 2009

Since guinea pigs have such big teeth does it hurt when they bite and are they better than hamsters?

does guinea pigs bite hard and are they better pets than hamsters?

Since guinea pigs have such big teeth does it hurt when they bite and are they better than hamsters?
I have two guinea pigs.. and 4 hamsters.. and lets just say im trying to get rid of the hamsters.. me and my boyfriend had the hamsters before the guinea pigs.. and we just cant handle them anymore.. the hamsters breed like crazy, the female does tend to bite.. and its hurts like a b*tch, and they run away from you, they stink, and they make alot of noise.. and they try to get out of their cage.. but the guinea pigs on the other hand.. they just nibble and (no it dont hurt) unless u get a agressive guinea pig or something but i have 2 and they have never bit me.. and the guinea pigs dont run away from u and they love on u.. and they make this really cute sound.. and dont stink or make noise.. so my opinion would be the guinea pigs.. hamsters are way.. to insane lol.. i hope my adive helped u and if u decide to get a guinea pig.. make sure u hold it before u buy it.
Reply:your answer was really good! Go Girl! Report It

Reply:Guinea pigs usually don't bite, and when they do, it's mostly taste-testing.

If you are looking for a playful friend, a hamster would be better.
Reply:Well yes of course, but from my experiance it's easier to train guinea's not to bite :)
Reply:YES, IT HURTS! HOLY CRAP, DOES IT HURT! i've been bitten by one guinea pig and countless hamsters. guinea pigs just seem less prone to biting out of fear, anger, etc. guinea pig 'taste tests' just catch you off gaurd a bit, but really don't hurt badly. i wouldn't say they're 'better', though. dog bites hurt way more than rodent bites. that doesn't make rodents better.
Reply:I have two guinea pig boys, and one of mine is a "nipper." He doesn't bite - it's more of his way of saying "I have to pee" or "I don't like what you're doing." They're nibbles. I'd feel safe saying that a *real* guinea pig bite would have to be provoked.
Reply:Guinea pigs don't normally bite like some other rodents do. Having said that, they will bite out of fear or defense or if they are ill.

One of my boys nibbles on me when I hold him. He's trying to groom me like he would another guinea pig. It doesn't hurt at all.

The other of my boys hates to be picked up and has tried to bite out of fear. It did hurt, but you can't blame the little guy for doing what is natural.

I love my guinea pigs and wouldn't trade them for any other animal in the world!
Reply:I think that Guinea Pigs are better, they are shy at first but then can start to warm up to you, and their bite really dosen't hurt it just surprises you that is all.

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