Saturday, November 14, 2009

What are the big white dots on my teeth.?

hi there on my 2 front teeth i have these big marks on them and they are way whiter than the rest of my teeth i have had them ever since i grew my second set of front teeth. What are they and can i get rid of the..?

please help me

thank you

What are the big white dots on my teeth.?
The spots on your teeth are calcium deposits, they are a a healthy sign, dont worry, but true, they can be a bother if your'e going for the sparkle and shine. Its not healthy to "get rid of them", the calcium is nescessary for tooth development, but whitening or bleaching the rest of yor teeth can reduce, and, if can get hold of an effective one, illiminate the slightly yellower tooth colour. I reccomend pearl drops toothpaste, an inexpensive and healthy way of whitening teeth, just in your supermarket aisle for about 1 dollar more than regular colgate toothpaste. one dollar a turn is not a hefty price to pay for a pretty simly. Next time you have a dental checkup, it might be a good idea to ask the receptionist for and of their recommended overnight or hour treatments that can suit your budget.
Reply:thoes are clean spots and just get a whiting strip to get rid of them
Reply:Calcium deposits
Reply:Im pretty sure wht ur describing is plaque ? i dno just make sure u use a good mouth wash and brush ur teeth reguarly

Or consult a dentist
Reply:my friend used to have that, its calcium, she had the dentist do somthing about it
Reply:I have the same condition. They are calcium deposits and it gets whiter and shows up more when I whiten my teeth because everything gets whiter. My dentist told me there's nothing I can do about it. He recommended veneers when I am ready for it.

Reply:Those spot are a bad bad sign. It's a lack of calcium in your teeth "bones". Once your calcium level drops to a .024 you begin to have spots. This can lead to many medical problems. I suggest you drink at least 24 onces of goats milk per day until you see the spots beginning to demish. Also you should consult a doctor. You could have the early stages of liver disease.

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