Saturday, November 14, 2009

Big problem in my teeth<------- "my nightmare"?

help!!! I couldn't sleep last night because of it, I've had little black spots on three of my teeth since I was 6--I'm 17 now, I went to a dentist like three years ago and he told me not to worry about them they're not real cavities, they're like a begining of a cavity but if you brush after every meal they won't get bigger, and he was right they didn't get bigger, but yesterday I went to a new dentist and he told me that they're cavities and I need to fill them, then I wasn't very convinced of what he said so I went to another dentist to make sure, but what he said was horrible he said that I have 8 cavities...... yes 8, I really don't know how, I have some light spots because of tee and coffee on some other teeth but it's very obvious that they're not cavities, I'm really confused I don't know what to do now "I don't live in the US" so everything is messy here and doctors just want to take your money, help, what should I do?

Big problem in my teeth%26lt;------- "my nightmare"?
find a tooth in your mouth that good, no black, then fill the other one,if it feels like u have a hole in them, u need to get them filled,before them eat away your teeth and end up down in your gums.that hurts,been there done that,i have 12 that needs fixed.
Reply:of course black spots are cavatives u need to let him fill them or go to another dentist but u need them filled
Reply:A comprehensive set of xrays should be able to pinpoint the cavities.


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