Monday, November 16, 2009

Do ferrets regrow broken teeth? Or did my ferret lose baby teeth and regrow "big ferret" chompers?

Throughout their lives ferrets have two sets of teeth, baby teeth (30 of them) and adult teeth (34 of those). Baby teeth come in by three months of age and are replaced by adult teeth by nine months of age. Adult teeth that are broken or lost do not regrow.

Do ferrets regrow broken teeth? Or did my ferret lose baby teeth and regrow "big ferret" chompers?
no they don't regrow broken prob big boy chompers time to train him....
Reply:loss baby teeth like humans they have a set of adult teeth
Reply:big ferret chompers
Reply:Ferrets don't regrow broken teeth so it was probably losing its baby teeth and growing its adult teeth.
Reply:no they don't regrow broken prob big boy chompers time to train him
Reply:The ferret will regrow big ferret chompers. You could re-name him "Chops"

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